Monday, October 10, 2005

WOW! So anyway . . .

Has it really been that long since I have updated this thing? Woah, I suck.

We played in Columbus this past weekend and I have more bad Columbus news. It seems as if every time we go there something happens. Here's the story:

We dropped our stuff off at Little Brother's (a bar) and walked down the street to get some grub. We ate at this pizza place called Papa Joe's and I thought it was pretty good by the way. While we were eating, we saw 3 fire trucks zoom down the street going the direction of the bar. No big deal right? After I finished eating I decided to go outside and smoke and also to see if the trucks were anywhere near. Lo and behold they were down near the bar. I knocked on the window and told Kelly, Gloria and Rhonda what was going on. Well, I along with Christine, Rhonda and Kelly took off running down the street. It's hard to run when you're wearing Doc Martins. It looked like black smoke was coming out of the top of the bar. Was it on fire?????? No. The building next door was. It was a small apartment fire that was put out in a matter of 20 minutes (I guess because the building wasn't engulfed in flames) and the funny thing is no one in the bar seemed to mind that there was a fire next door. Everyone, which consisted of like 15 people, was still in the bar going about their business. So after everyone else finally met up with us we went inside and started drinking beer and just laughed and laughed as we played the name game.

The night ended up running like an hour behind because the sound guy got there really late. We were supposed to play at 9:15 and didn't start until almost 11. The line up got shuffled twice and one band ended up leaving because they were going to be playing so late. I think it all ended around 2 a.m., I don't remember.

So there is our second tragic Columbus trip. Floods, power loss, police running with guns drawn and fire; who knows what it'll be next.

Over and out.

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